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Week 14 - Last Minute Touch Ups

I have now finished my website, well in terms of layout and text. I need to add some images to the website. I have taken the images that are on the original church website and transferred them to Photoshop on order to improve the resolution. Many of the images that were on the website were made with the intention of accompanying text. However, because my website layout the pictures weren't enough. Luckily enough, I picked up a photography module last year, and for my piece I took some pictures of the same church. I then used these to fill the gaps in my work. For the page titled 'Visiting' I used an image from Pixabay (Royalty Free) to place on the header of that page. Overall, the website is coming together and is starting to look like something I can be proud of. It is hard to create a website that actually looks like a website and not just like an attempt. 

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